Edición 03 (Mayo 2022)

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Edición 03 (Mayo 2022)


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    Eficacia de las Flores de Bach como medicina alternativa y complementaria. Parroquia del Quinche. 2022
    (ISTMAS, 2022-05-17) Silva Montenegro, Jorge Fabián; Mena Solís, Alexandra Giselle
    This academic trial has been carried out to achieve a better understanding of Bach Flower Therapy as an alternative and complementary medicine for a comprehensive treatment of patients; for this we carried out an extensive bibliographic review and learned more about this vibrational therapy, discovered since 1930 and which has been very accepted in many countries.
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    Propiedades antinflamatorias del Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale) en patologías renales y hepáticas. Riobamba 2022
    (ISTMAS, 2022-05-17) Verdesoto Lopez, Angel Vinicio; Gavin Quishpe, Masherlyn
    The Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a plant of the most common that has an infinity of properties and that is why its great use as an alternative medicine, motivated by this we developed this academic trial and taking into account other studies conducted by several authors. We find that it is mostly used for its anti-inflammatory properties in liver and kidney diseases.
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    Manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla) en el tratamiento del síndrome dispéptico. Riobamba 2022
    (ISTMAS, 2022-05-17) Moncayo Ramirez, Edith Patricia; Contero Bedoya, Fausto Contero
    Since ancient times, men have used plants for the treatment of different diseases and conditions, that is why, despite the existence of so many conventional medicines, some still prefer plants and the products derived from them to solve their health problems. In this academic essay after reviewing the work of several authors, we dedicate ourselves to describe the usefulness of the use of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) in the treatment of dyspeptic syndrome.
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    Zarzaparrilla (smilax aspera) como depurador linfático para adultos con artritis reumatoidea”. Riobamba 2022
    (ISTMAS, 2022-05-17) Castillo Zambrano, Angela Mariana; Valverde Sandoval, Liliana
    SARSAPARILLA (Smilax aspera) has long been used as a lymphatic purifier, for its natural properties and for being preferred by many people over other chemical products or medications. To carry out this academic essay we took on the task of consulting several works carried out by other researchers, where its depurative property in Rheumatoid Arthritis stands out.
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    Elaboración de aceite de Cannabis (Cannabis Sativa) con aplicación sublingual para el tratamiento de la ansiedad.
    (ISTMAS, 2022-05-17) Balcázar Granda, Jomely Gabriela; Rodríguez Aguilera, Derbis Mauro
    A prospective, longitudinal and quasi-experimental study was carried out, whose main objective was to determine the effect of Cannabis sativa, using an oil made for sublingual use in the treatment of anxiety, for this purpose of a universe of 17 patients 10 were selected, constituting these the sample of said study, to which the oil was applied for three weeks, three to five drops according to your Body Mass Index, checking the improvement after 5 days of using the oil. In the research, the average age of the sample was 32.5 years, the urban origin and the response to treatment very efficient. The oil (CBD) was obtained in a decarboxylation process, to eliminate the part of it capable of causing addictive effects that can modify the response to treatment.