Edición 11 (Septiembre 2023)

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Edición 11 (Septiembre 2023)


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    Extracto De Té Verde, Como Tratamiento Coadyuvante En La Amnesia. Riobamba / 2021
    (ISTMAS, 2023-09-14) Maya Arias, Amparo de las Mercedes; León Costales, Renata
    In this academic essay, a bibliographic review was carried out justifying the use of Green Tea in the form of an extract, a natural, plant product, as an adjuvant treatment in amnesia.
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    Crema de ortiga (Urtica dioica) para el tratamiento de artritis reumatoidea. Riobamba / 2021
    (ISTMAS, 2023-09-14) González Vélez, Zoila Beatriz; Contero Bedoya, Fausto
    In this academic essay, a bibliographic review was carried out where the use is justified of Nettle cream (Urtica dioica), a natural, plant-based product for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis from Naturopathy.
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    Eficacia de espada rey (Sansevieria trifasciata) en el tratamiento de diabetes. Riobamba / 2023
    (ISTMAS, 2023-09-14) Erazo Zambrano, María Elizabeth; Gavin Quishpe, Masherlyn
    In this academic essay, a bibliographic review was carried out justifying the use of the KING SWORD (Sansevieria trifasciata), a natural, plant product, for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus from Naturopathy.
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    Moxibustión en mujeres con gonartrosis de 40 - 65 años. Centro de salud “Lizarzaburu”. Riobamba / 2023
    (ISTMAS, 2023-09-14) Orellana Berrezueta, Willian Giovanni; Rodriguez Aguilera, Derbis Mauro
    A quasi-experimental quantitative-qualitative study was carried out, where the universe was made up of the patients who attended the consultation at the “Lizarzaburu” center and the sample was made up of those who were carriers of gonarthrosis, a degenerative pathology of the joint. of the knee; The general objective of the research was to assess the effectiveness of Moxibustion, a natural medicine technique, in the treatment of this condition. It was found that the greatest number of cases occurred in the 60 - 65 year old group and that the group of patients who achieved pain relief and improvement in their functional capacity was greater.
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    Auriculoterapia para la obesidad. Imbabura / 2023
    (ISTMAS, 2023-09-14) Sánchez Potosí, Catherine Carolina; Salguero Rosero, Ruth
    The objective of this research is to analyze the effects of auriculotherapy in the treatment of obesity in patients between 26 and 40 years of age from the parish of San Antonio de Ibarra, and to compare the effects of this technique to improve the Body Mass Index, waist circumference and thigh circumference in order to contribute to the knowledge of this alternative treatment technique using seed-based energy pellets in the ear at specific points for weight loss. The study had a qualitative and quantitative approach, descriptive narrative level, pre-experimental design, which was carried out using a scale to measure the degree of overweight of the 20 patients who visited the San Antonio de Ibarra Economic Pharmacy, in the province of Imbabura. Information was collected through the application of clinical histories that include the disease history of each patient, the 20 medical histories were reported by each patient according to their ailments and discomforts that they present due to the issue of obesity. The set covers a wide variety of obesity symptoms due to the working day, household chores and the environment in which they operate. Among the main findings of this study are the effects of obesity and the application of traditional Chinese medicine through auriculotherapy, this being a contribution to weight control of each of the patients reviewed.